Thursday 21 March 2013

The Love Story

Ahhh~ How I miss Blogging!!
Actually, I've been away for quite some time due to some health condition and also lack of time to go online plus the incapability to do so. So without further due, let's fill in our recent updates!

Tonight, I've decided on something in between Dreams & Reality. I've been pondering whether to do so or not. But I would love to share for better of all those were and are being in a difficult and dying-like situation of heartbroken. Being hurt in love is something unbearable, well it is in the case of u're truly dying loving a person. Well, in my case, yeah, kinda~ I've tried to put trust into our relationship, but due to stronger Love to Allah S.W.T, I've decided to let it pass by. How would I know that leaving someone u love so much would be this hurt. It's my 1st experience!! Hehehehe (yeah, I can even laugh when I thought of myself once before)

I was some kind of in a situation like this when I was alone that time. Hhehehe...

More pain came down to my bone when within the 1st 6 months of being left alone in love, I received news of my Brother's accident. Thinking of it again still makes me shivers to the thought of how I needed him the most then. I even thought of go searching for him to resolve all those pain down. But, my brother's critical condition at that time holds me down. I've cried most of the time. Half for my brother, half more thinking of my pain. But gladly I survived through the pain.

On the start, I wasn't able to grasp the pain of being alone, I kept on thinking of our memories whenever our anniversaries reaches. But after spending most of my time, taking care of my sick brother, I made it through. I guess, my family bond's quite a strong one, huh?

After about 3 months being a unqualified nurse at home. I was called back to continue my new coming semester. But I've from my brother that he's getting better. Not so long after that, I've got another heartbreaking news. My dad was diagnose with kidney failure. I once again came the thought of him, but this time around, I've get myself together, I don't want myself to keep crying a river over what had happen. Because Our home needs me more, my family need to be together to survive through this 2nd challenge. Yet, It gets better when we adapt quickly through the process.

Now, my situation is, I am still going through the love story heartbreaking parting, but in the same time enjoying the memories that I've kept inside myself. My relationship with my dad?? I guess that's what makes me the most happy Daughter. He became the best Daddy evaa!! He's still in quite a condition, but he made us all less worried plus in the same time relaxing himself from stress too.. I guess, I was quite in dilemma for sometime getting myself out of the love story situation. I know it is hard to look for another companion, but one day Allah will grant me the best soulmate for he knows the best of me. ^.^

Am I still in dream that I've become this strong? Or is this the Reality of life?? >.<''

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