Saturday 15 September 2012

Mesmerizing Beauty

It's a new post!!!
Just need to make it sound like my blog was crowded with visitors.. Hahahaha!! Ok, not funny.

Well, this time I have something ipnotizzante (which means mesmerizing in Italia) to share with everyone. Well, I guess everyone noticed that I'm still a learner, basically saying that I have much work and stress after combining life and book matters.. Yeah, I know how everyone agrees with me!

Ok, just to rest myself and tutti (everyone), let's us just enjoy the beauty that I saw during my simple trip with my friends, ok?!

Be Mesmerized~
Can't get the picture of this Bello ravine out of my head~

They even have a magnifico rest camp for everyone!!

This is the name of the place, I can't agree more on how they've treasured the both the ravine and nature.

I give the credit to those who have work hard to take care of this place. And it's in Malaysia (FYI). Try visiting this place, you'll end up attracted just like me!

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