Thursday 13 September 2012

Never Give Up Hope

Last 2 months, my family was tested by The Almigty, Allah S.W.T for having the weakest strength to face the truth that our beloved brother came into an accident. It happen to be that he was riding a bike when a bus suddenly stops by at the left side of the road causing him to lose the moment to hit the break, then hit the back of the bus with any tries of avoiding it, due to where the bus was too near that he couldn't do anything else rather than to just accept the ''hit''. The 2 weeks moment of waiting for him to be concious and respond to us for our calls during his coma state was such an intensifying site for others to see.
But in the same time, my brother was blessed and the whole family was blessed.

My brother wake up in the middle of the day (in the afternoon) asking the nurses where his family's at?

The moment was such a blessed one, as we're waiting for him to wake up for already 2 weeks. The day he says even a small ''Hello'', was a great thing to hear. Indeed.

My Family, we learn a lot from the accident..
My mom; she may had to forbid my brother from ever riding a motor bike.
My dad; he has developed the most patience in his life, saving his son and caring for the whole sad family member.
My brother; he is blessed to have so many friends that non-stop praying for his safety and health, and not to stop visiting him at the hospital and keep visiting him often even when he's already home, to keep him at company.
My little sister; she had to put up her courage and hold all her tears just to make my mom feel better.
My little Brother (Baby); He has grown up to bot a baby he used to be. It shows how he knows the family condition and had shown such big support to my parents, despite his weakness in him.

Me: Just too happy to see everyone's alive and safe. No matter what I have to sacrifice for.

Allah, may have the most unbearable hardship that he assigned for HIS beloved servants, But HE also prepares such a GREAT surprise in the end, major changes that most probably be an interesting turn over at the end of the harsh road we've been through.

So, let remind ourselves that, Allah the Almighty, He had everything under his hand, and those matters He'd given us to test our Faith for Him and thus those matters would be those we would be able to go through.. Because He would have known us better than we are, since He's the Greatest Creator.

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