Thursday 13 September 2012

Midnight Masquerade...??

Well, I just gave a sudden thought of something about my blog itself...

I didn't even care to introduce itself, just care to have my personal publicity of my own *sigh*~
What a mean girl I've been... Tsk... Tsk.. Tsk..

---------------------------------Let's End The Crappy Part Of That---------------------------------------

Now, people would have wonder (or at least those who have interest on the same thing as mine), why would i chose Masquerade as my theme..
Actually what is so interesting about Masks??

Well, i don't know if my reason for choosing this theme would be the same answer that you would have in your mind, (yeah, there's huge percentage that I would change to other theme)... well, the reason is that it is so interesting that masks was invented, and I am envious for those whose able to attend a masquerade ball. Because, you are allowed to have a night full of mysteries and create wonderful dreams, without showing that ''scaredy cat'' face of yours that always wanted to do something different but just too scared of being picked by others for what you did... At least, on that night you also got to dress up like princess and meet your wonderful prince!! Wow... My imagination has run wild AGAIN!!!

Well, it's just an interesting thing to have your face covered and for people to admit that everyone on masquerade have such lovely faces (if their upper part of the face was covered), don't you think??!

Well, what do you think about Masquerade??

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