Sunday 21 October 2012

Miss A- I Don't Need A Man

Well, yesterday I came across Miss A's new 5th Project, I Don't Need A Man.
I'm always impressed by them and their songs. Well, I'm kind of a "Say A" myself too.(a name of their FanClub, Kpop fans always have it as our proud).

Well, the song this time can be translated into many version of understanding. Well, some may find it too independent of a woman's life for not needing a man. Well for me, it's not totally mean that we girls don't need man at all. At the start of this Music Video (MV) already mention Miss A's dedication of this song to those independent ladies out there.

I think the song is Cool & Great, as they praise the ladies out there to stand on their own 2 feet. Thus, proving that a girl can earn, can protect and live by themselves and not depending solely on the cuddly & love rains on them by guys.

Of course it is not wrong to have Boyfriend, but I think ladies should be able to learn to take care of themselves well, or else would be as what Min said: " If you trust man, What will you do when they (guy) leave you?"

Well, not all of us out there were born with silver spoon or even . After I hear this song, I learned that I in my future relationship, I would want it to be a mature and more responsible relationship, where both of us would not only depends on love solely but also each others success should be our priority. Build Yourself First, Before you Raise Others.

So, Let us all Enjoy this Great Independence of all Ladies out there!!

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