Wednesday 16 January 2013

Teen Top & Me

Well, actually I am considered a Nuna around them... Wow, I sound like We're Close??!!
Of Course we are!! Because this Nuna is an Angel too.

So, I'm back and my new post is about Kpop??
Maybe some have heard enough about Kpop fans and everything we have over Kpop. So, what??
I've been a Kpop Lover for long, ahhh~ thinking bout this makes me feels old.

Ok2, back to teenie. Yeah, That's what I'd call them. I am now officially calling myself an Angel due to all the effort this Boy group have done. They've captured another nuna's heart. So, I'm announcing that there'll be alot more posts on Teen Top, again, Wait for the hottest post on them here okay??!!

This Angel got other things to bear in mind, so, teenie wait for nuna, ok?!
I'll post a berrry berrry cute Teenie for all of you  Angels. Muaaahh~

This is Teen Top... Peace Ya'll!

Beware Nunas~ We're gonna Catch all my Angel Nunas!!!

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